
To contact the JoVI organizing committee, email For submission inquiries, email

Organizing Committee

The JoVI organizers (in alphabetical order) are:

JoVI also owes a huge debt to Steve Haroz, who was instrumental in its formation and early iterations.

Advisory Board

  • Pierre Dragicevic, Inria Bordeaux
  • Jason Dykes, City, University of London
  • Jeffrey Heer, University of Washington
  • Kasper Hornbæk, University of Copenhagen
  • Eva Hornecker, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
  • Jessica Hullman, Northwestern University
  • Yvonne Jansen, CNRS
  • Amelia McNamara, University of St Thomas
  • Arvind Satyanarayan, MIT CSAIL
  • Carlos Scheidegger, Posit
  • Jon Schwabish, Urban Institute

Accessibility Chair

Open Practices Chairs

  • Charles Cui, Northwestern University (Github ID: @yccui)
  • Lily Ge, Northwestern University (Github ID: @lily-ge)
  • Maxim Lisnic, University of Utah (Github ID: @mlisnic)
  • Sheng Long, Northwestern University (Github ID: @mika-long)
  • Vahid Pooryousef
  • Abhraneel Sarma, Northwestern University (Github ID: @abhsarma)

Associate Editors

  • Leilani Battle, University of Washington
  • Cindy Xiong Bearfield, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Jason Dykes, City, University of London
  • Frank Elavsky, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Niklas Elmqvist, Aarhus University
  • James Eagan, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
  • Lane Harrison, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Yvonne Jansen, CNRS
  • Miguel Nacenta, University of Victoria
  • Andrew McNutt, University of Utah
  • Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose, Aarhus University
  • Houda Lamqaddam, University of Amsterdam
  • Lace Padilla, Northeastern University
  • Evan Peck, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Jon Schwabish, Urban Institute
  • Michael Sedlmair, University of Stuttgart
  • Emily Wall, Emory University
  • Wesley Willett, University of Calgary
  • Raphael Wimmer, University of Regensburg
  • Jessica K. Witt, Colorado State University
  • Fumeng Yang, Northwestern University


Aalborg University Open Publishing
Kroghstræde 1-3
9220 Aalborg Øst

ISSN 2794-5502